Finding Common Ground
Mediator Tanya Shimer focuses on Agreements that make sense.
Mediation is empowering because it allows people in dispute to find common ground and solutions through safe and supported negotiation.
Whether it is a divorce, a business problem, a contract dispute or a probate issue, unresolved conflict is always destructive and usually quite costly. Moving through conflict and coming up with an agreement empowers the parties and ultimately becomes catalysts for both progress and growth. Tanya Shimer is dedicated to providing a safe container for conflicted parties so that they can work together to find constructive, efficient solutions for their dispute.
In addition to being certified mediator, Tanya has also trained in Non Violent Communication, Compassionate Inquiry, and other forms of trauma therapy/presence work. With these tools she is adept at bringing the parties out of their reactive states and into presence where creative solutions can be found.
Conflict is stressful because it triggers difficult emotions both due to the current situation and also due to our histories and life experiences. As a result our ability to come up with and listen to creative solutions is often shut down and we end up feeling unheard, unseen and STUCK because when we’re triggered we tend to regress and our habitual patterns of communicating with each other don’t work.
Help from a neutral third party and a new approach is needed. With the right support, we create the possibility for effective communication, leading to conflict-resolution solutions created by both parties, which is empowering. When the parties to conflict feel seen, heard and empowered the result is a solution which is sustainable over time.
Compassionate Conflict Resolution.
Tanya Shimer has been a certified mediator for over a decade, helping to resolve conflicts and come up with equitable solutions in divorce, probate and small business disputes. Her mission as a mediator is to help the parties co-create conscious and fair agreements by helping to facilitate solutions that leave both parties feeling seen, heard, understood and empowered.
Let’s work together.
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and I will be in touch shortly!